Grow – Connect
God’s goal is for us to become mature adults—to be fully grown, measured by the standard of the fullness of Christ….By speaking the truth with love, we are to grow up in every way into Christ. -Ephesians 4:13-15

God has created us for a purpose. God’s plan for us is that we be more than we are right now. Following Jesus means changing and growing and becoming more like Him, and more the way God designed us to be. This is something we do, and, at the same time, it is something that the Holy Spirit does within us.
We grow through healthy, holy habits. We grow through activities we do to deepen our faith in God. Some we do on our own, and there are some we do together. We need to be connected to others and activities that keep us growing spiritually.
Forest Hills is a church that grows! Discipleship means both following Jesus and making more disciples. We do that individually as Christians and together as a church. We believe that health discipleship is expressed together as a church in weekly practices of loving God and others (being in Sunday worship when available), growing in Christ (participate in grow groups when offered), and serving others (reaching out to others through witness and in expressions of God’s love). We also encourage each disciple to draw upon reflective self-assessment to discern what areas of spiritual maturity and holiness God is calling you to explore next.