Come for a Visit
Service Time
Sunday Service
10:00 – 11:00 am In-person
Also available online
This is a time set aside to gather with others to interact and communicate with God. Our worship team leads with a mix of modern songs and older hymns. Our aim is to come before God in an authentic and honest way. We want to enjoy his presence! These messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and apply Biblical teaching to your own life. Everyone worships in his or her own unique way. You are welcome to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Forest Hills strives to foster a living faith, one that people live out every day. Therefore, each week the pastor gives a message that not only digs into the Bible, but also applies directly to everyday life. These messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and apply Biblical teaching to your own life. Current Message Series
Stop by the Welcome Center
Stop by the Welcome Center in the lobby for more information about the ways Forest Hills is making a difference in the wider community. If you are interested in ways of getting connected in specific kinds of ministry or ways your whole family can get involved, you’ll find a friendly host to help you out. It’s located in the lobby just to the right of the front doors as you enter the church.
Get Settled
Stop by the Hebrews Coffee Shop to enjoy a specialty roast or other beverage. Help yourself to a worship bulletin and take a seat anywhere in the sanctuary.
What about Children Programs?
What about Offering?

Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month. This is a simple expression of love and devotion to Jesus as a way of remembering how His death and resurrection brings forgiveness and new life to all. Usually people are invited to come forward to receive a small piece of bread and a small cup of grape juice (there is a gluten free option), although sometimes other methods are used. Everyone is invited to participate, as Forest Hills celebrates “open communion.” Children are also invited to receive, if their parents agree.